Yessiree by dears, it's time to take another spin with gourd automata! This one will be for the Twilight Auction at the Virginia Gourd Festival this year. The theme is 'celebration of agri-culture', so in keeping with Native American harvest folklore of the three sisters (corn, bean, and squash/gourd) I am making three sisters that will dance.

The corn will rock side to side, the beans will jump up and down (I couldn't resist the jumping bean visual!), and the squash/gourd will spin around.
The head of the corn sister will have long golden, silky hair which will flop side to side as she rocks. I may add candy corn earrings for added movement.

The beans, as you can see, are spinner gourds in side the handle of a dipper gourd. The bean will have white spots to replicate Jacoby Jack dried beans. Actualy Jacoby Jack beans will be a the ends of hair strands, again, for movement. You can see the bean reconstructed in the picture below, and the squash with a head. This week, it start coming together! Can't wait to put it some 'harvesty' music and let you have a gander. Stay Cracklin' all!
That was September 15...and it was put together several weeks later. The gears and cams came later and when put into Stupeflix, there was music! YeeHaaAa!
Enjoy the Harvest my friends!