A 6" snowfall is a great Window of Opportunity! |
Many new gourd enthusiasts want to know "How do I make this a little business? I like it, and I'm prolific, but how do I move product so I can enjoy making more?" When preparing for gift giving, or for selling, the best thing to do is take advantage of those windows of opportunity such as weekends, holiday down-time, or snow days.
Usually, an artist will work on one piece at a time, tweaking it to a place where it is precious and considered a one of a kind. However, if you are getting ready to gift a lot of people or want product to sell at a farm market or other venue, efficiency will be paramount to make you time worthwhile and still offer a unique item at an affordable price.
Previously painted egg gourds stand ready! |
Once you perfect a technique, and can break it in to steps, try to do multiples of one step at a time. In that way, when a window of opportunity arises, you can dive right into a project without all the rigmarole of starting from scratch.
Just a little hint from the Crackled Apples gourd patch of the Virginia Lovers' Gourd Society -
Happy Gourding in this 2017 Winter!
It may be snowy now, but Easter will come again! |