Once the tool was hot, it was randomly placed on the backside of a small bowl-shaped gourd. Over and over it made marks on the gourd until time passed and the overall pattern began to look like a turtle shell! The burning continued until the whole surface was covered. Two colors of green Sharpies scratched in some color areas and rubbing alcohol was dabbed on with a Q-Tip to blur the greens together (the alcohol makes the marker ink bleed and blur). Once dry the shell was sprayed with a gloss sealer.
All this from one burn mark - repeated over and over. Adding holes around the edge gives the artist space to sew a rim before adding legs. Cutting and sanding for the neck led to another idea for adding a bobbing head.
AND, none of this was in the plan when the first mark was made! That's the beauty of repetition. Start with a mark and keep going until the pattern itself presents the plan. It takes time, and trust, and the willingness to not be in control.
A lesson for life perhaps?