Pyrography Online offers several handy tips for woodburing...many would apply to gourds as well as wood. The biggest #1 tip is the fact that the slower the burning tip is move the darker and deeper the line. That sound obvious, doesn't it? But in many instances a gourder will forget that and move too quickly. A remedy to that of course is using a burner that burns at a higher temperature.
The color reflects the frequency of use! |
I use a lower end model of woodburner from my local big box store. It come with
basic tips, one of which I use regularly -- the rounded tip. Burning gourds will find this time accumulating sticky gourd debris. To keep it clean, and therefore burning as efficiently as possible, I keep a wad of steel wool handy to rub it against. As long as there is no layer separating the metal from the gourd surface, the job gets done.
Why do I go with inexpensive? I have an established look to my work that would not be possible with the sleekness of a high-end tool. Many people have lovely pieces of burning equipment and do FABulous work! With the lower end, I can buy several, hang them at the workbench with a different tip and move from one to another with ease.
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